Sunday, June 30, 2013

Song Meaning: We Take Care of Our Own by Bruce Springsteen

Basis for every Springsteen's song is the lifestyle and culture of the American society. That's all I can say about Bruce.

 "We Take Care of Our Own" underlines the importance of coming together to overcome adversity as a one big American Pie...  I mean one big American family :-). The American flag7 is a symbol for unity, or coming together. The song makes references to some of the darkest times of recent American history, like Hurricane Katrina10,11,12. During the crisis, the Bush Administration was harshly criticized for their lack of response13, but as the song states, people came together to help each other rebuild their lives

The music video putout to promote the single has lyrics written on it to further emphasize the theme of the song. Bruce really wants to convey the message to the few Americas who are still capable of reading.

Leave a comment below to let me know what you think of the song.

  1. I've been knockin' on the door that holds the throne
  2. I've been lookin' for the map that leads me home
  3. I've been stumblin' on good hearts turned to stone
  4. The road of good intentions has gone dry as bone
  5. We take care of our own
  6. We take care of our own
  7. Wherever this flag's flown
  8. We take care of our own

  9. From Chicago to New Orleans
  10. From the muscle to the bone
  11. From the shotgun shack to the Superdome
  12. We yelled "help" but the cavalry stayed home
  13. There ain't no-one hearing the bugle blown
  14. We take care of our own
  15. We take care of our own
  16. Wherever this flag's flown
  17. We take care of our own

  18. Where the eyes, the eyes with the will to see
  19. Where the hearts, that run over with mercy
  20. Where's the love that has not forsaken me
  21. Where's the work that set my hands, my soul free
  22. Where's the spirit that'll reign, reign over me
  23. Where's the promise, from sea to shining sea
  24. Where's the promise, from sea to shining sea
  25. Wherever this flag is flown
  26. Wherever this flag is flown
  27. Wherever this flag is flown

  28. We take care of our own
  29. We take care of our own
  30. Wherever this flag's flown
  31. We take care of our own
  32. We take care of our own
  33. We take care of our own
  34. Wherever this flag's flown
  35. We take care of our own

1 comment:

  1. We need to make the United States "United" for the people!


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