Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rock and Roll: A bipartisan push for 'Yes' - CNN

CNN has an article on their Political Ticker showing an effort by both the Democrats and Republicans to get "Yes" into the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame.

"Their music is revered by many politicians. In fact, we were excited at how quickly the two political parties could put policy disputes aside for this common goal," Brabender said in a statement.

"Republicans and Democrats actually agree on something: that Yes is one of the most influential progressive rock bands ever – and ultimately ensure Yes gets rightful place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."

Numerous groups like Led Zeppelin and Pearl Jam have cited Yes as influential on their music. Yes are known for hits like Roundabout, Fragile and I've Seen All Good People. 
Rock and Roll: A bipartisan push for 'Yes' - CNN

Read the full article at http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/06/rock-roll-a-bipartisan-push-for-yes/

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