Friday, May 24, 2013

Song Meaning: Dream On by Aerosmith

"Dream On" is a well thought-out, well-written, and well known song by Aerosmith. It's simply a masterpiece for a rock duo known as "toxic twins." (Steven Tyler and Joe Perry are referred to as such due to their heavy drug use. They were out-did Zeppelin!). It's also a fan favorite, and according, has become a staple on their liveset. To this day, it's very popular among rock and pop radio stations. In fact, "Dream On" is one of the handful of songs that is recognized as a rock anthem.

The song is about the life in general, with an emphasis on the process of aging. "Every time when I look in the mirror/ All these lines on my face getting clearer" states a person who has come to accept the fact that aging cannot be stopped, and it's a part of life. Instead of saying "time flies", Steven Tyler sings "The past is gone /It went by, like dusk to dawn" with the use of an alliteration.

"I know nobody knows /Where it comes and where it goes" refers to idea that nobody is intelligent enough to understand life in it's deepest form, and all the attributes of it - aging being one. So everybody, like the singer himself, kind of has to "go with the flow" and eventually die.

"Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away" states that death could come upon us any minute. So,as sung in the previous lines, try to enjoy every minute of life. "Sing with me, sing for the years/ Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears / Sing with me, just for today" refers to just that. Singing is the best way to enjoy life? That's what Tyler says :-). It seems to contradict their drug-heavy rock n' roll life style, but whatever. Aerosmith fans should adopt what Aerosmith is saying, not what they do. If you do what the "toxic twins" did in the 1970s, you are definitely going to spend some time in a hospital bed.

The chorus repeats with "Dream On". I exactly don't know this is referring. Shocking, isn't it? But I think it's open to your own interpretation. I have few: Steve was so dunk when he wrote this, he just put together two words to complete the chorus. It could also be viewed as the singer asking the listener to keep working hard until certain goals in life are achieved, "Dream until your dreams come true." Fell free to correct me if you think otherwise. I welcome your input.

Every time when I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by, like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way
Everybody's got the dues in life to pay

I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it's everybody sin
You got to lose to know how to win

Half my life
Is books written pages
Live and learn from fools and
From sages
You know it's true, oh
All these things you do come back to you

Sing with me, sing for the years
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears
Sing with me, just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away

Yeah, sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
Sing with me, just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream until your dreams come true
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream until your dreams come true
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream on

Sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
Sing with me, just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away
Sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
Sing with me, just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away.


  1. Steve's father was a classical musician.
    "Dream on..." were the Steve's father words for Steve when he was a child.
    Guitar arpeggios on the whole song were inspired by classical music he used to hear at home.

  2. Actually lines on my face refer to Steven looking into the mirror as he snorts a line of cocaine and sees lines on his face in the reflection of the mirror...and it all gets clearer in his drug induced lyric writing.

  3. Our responsibility is to recognize His voice and follow His way. While divine dreams happen in many different manners, there exist some common points which we could use to recognize the true divinely inspired dreams like their conformity.

  4. A masterpiece indeed. Very talented person. They don't make songs like this anymore. A huge amount of effort goes into writing a song of this caliber.


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