Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Song Meaning: Rope by Foo Fighters

ARTIST: Foo Fighters | ALBUM: Wasting Light | RELEASED: 2011

Song meaning of Foo Fighter's "Rope" from Wasting Light ( 2011 )

"Rope" is the second track on Foo Fighter's 2011 classic Wasting Light. It's a great hard rock with heavy with a heavy guitar sound. It's got a great riff, but the most noticeable thing that is missing is a great solo to complement the riff. Looks like a job for Tony Iommi?

Analysis of lyrics:

This indecision's got me climbing up the walls - nice way of saying, "I'm going crazy," which is the equivalent of "climbing up the walls." The first part, "this indecision," means personal problems. So, in short, the says the narrator ( Dave Ghrol ) is going crazy because of his problems.

I've been cheating gravity and waiting on the falls - this means Dave is "cheating", or taking shortcuts, to get himself out of the problems.

How did this come over me, I thought I was above it all - Dave is saying he is "above", or on top of everything, or even means he's above the law. But his problems have brought him down to earth.

Our hope's gone up in smoke, swallow your crown - Dave thought he was invincible, but his problems have caused him to sallow his pride become a humble person.

Give me some rope I'm coming loose, I'm hanging on you - obviously "rope" is metaphor for help. Dave needs some help from his buddies to get over his problems.

That's all I got for this song. Let me know what you think of it in the comments section below. Should this song have a better solo? If so, who should do it, because clearly Dave Ghrol isn't a "good" lead guitar player...


This indecision's got me climbing up the walls
I've been cheating gravity and waiting on the falls
How did this come over me, I thought I was above it all
 Our hope's gone up in smoke, swallow your crown

Choke! On a kiss, I thought I'd save my breath for you
Choke! On a kiss, I thought I'd save my breath for you
Give me some rope I'm coming loose, I'm hanging on you
Give me some rope I'm coming loose, I'm pulling for you now
Give me some rope I'm coming out of my head, into the clear
When you go I come loose

These premonitions got me crying up a storm
Leave your condition, this position does no harm

[Chorus] [x2]

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